O. Of all the felt I ever felt, I never felt a piece of felt which felt as...了解更多>>
74 2008-07-09Betty and Bob brought back blue balloons from the big bazaar. Betty beat a ...了解更多>>
229 2008-07-09A big black bug bit a big black bear, made the big black bear bleed blood. ...了解更多>>
75 2008-07-09E. Ed had edited it. F. Flash message! Flee from fog to fight flu fast. ...了解更多>>
153 2008-07-09(1).We study spoken English so as to make oral communications, so this order...了解更多>>
118 2008-07-09編者按:中國同學(xué)沖著機場商店里的店員說:“Give me aMarlboro”,店員當時冷汗...了解更多>>
269 2008-07-09英語中的俚語、口語或“順口溜”很多,它們的意義,往往與字面意義不同,有時也不...了解更多>>
93 2008-07-09