小編: 268 Also in England in the 1600's, young men and women who were apprentices or servants returned home on Mothering Sunday, bringing to their mothers small gifts like trinkets or a "mothering cake". Sometimes furmety was served - wheat grains boiled in sweet milk, sugared and spiced.
In northern England and in Scotland, the preferred refreshments were carlings - pancakes made of steeped pease fried in butter, with pepper and salt. In fact, in some locations this day was called Carling Sunday.
在北英格蘭和蘇格蘭地區(qū),受歡迎的點心為Carlings-----將泡浸過的豌豆用牛油煎烤,再加入胡椒粉和鹽而做成的薄烤餅。實際上,這個日子在某些地區(qū)被稱作Carling 星期日。
Another kind of mothering cake was the simnel cake, a very rich fruitcake. The Lenten fast dictated that the simnel cake had to keep until Easter. It was boiled in water, then baked, and was often finished with an almond icing. Sometimes the crust was of flour and water, colored with saffron.