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小編: 98
Version 01 Old person   describe an old man influenced you   1.who was he   2.when did you know him   3.what he did   and explain why he influeced you   Version 02 City   1. where it is located?   2. what special for you?   3. why you want to stay there?   part 3   1.please compare 100 hundred years old city and modern city and what predict about the city in the future.   Version 03 Room   part2:   1.whats your favorite room in your home   2.what it likes you live   3.what you do in the room normally   and explain why you like it   Version 04 Famous person   part 2   describe a well-known person in history who you would like to meet   1.who this person was   2.what he did   3.what was special about him or her   and explain why you would like to meet him or her   Version 05 Photograph   1:你喜歡照相嗎?   2:你一般什么時候照相   3:喜歡看照片嗎?   4:喜歡用哪種照相機   Version 06 Cloth   1:什么樣的衣服會使人比較有性格   2:你比較喜歡穿什么樣的衣服   3:你比較喜歡時尚的還是傳統(tǒng)的衣服   Version 07 Furniture   Version 08 Holiday   1.when was it   2.who went with you   3.where was it   and explain why you like best   1.what is different between you an d your parent holidy?   2.how to develop chinas tourist ?   3.say something about tourist chang in your life and the positive/nagetive   4.how to influence social change   Version 09 Creative ability   什么是Creative ability?   Creative ability對個人、社會的益處?   怎樣運用Creative ability?   Version 10 Change in your own life   描述your own life?   your own life有什么重點嗎?   your own life中最令人難忘的一幕?   Version 11 Film   1:你喜歡什么類型的電影   2:你比較喜歡在家看電影還是去電影院   3:哪部電影另你最難忘   4:中國有這么多的電影院有無必要   5:電影中有這么多的為什么會有暴力呢   6:演員和以前有什么不同呢   Version 12 School   introduce a school you like   1.whats kind of it   2.what size   3.what u enjoy most during the school time   and explain why you like it   Version 13 Travel   describe a exciting trip you made   when   where   Version 14 Time in work and leisure   現在人們在work and leisure都愛干什么?   你又愛干什么呢?   你認為work and leisure 對你重要嗎,為什么?   Version 16 Gift   你所喜歡的Gift?   你收到的一件難忘的Gift?   你送給別人的Gift?   中國人在什么情況下會送禮?   Version 17 Advertisement   describe an advertisement that you seen or hear   1.what is it about   2.where do you know it   3.why do you like it   Version 18  Equipment   Version 19  Friend   Version 20  Toy   Version 21  Children   Version 22  Success(both your life and your countrys   Version 23  Typical holiday   Version 24  Exciting period   Version 25  Music and song   Version 26  TV program   Version 27  Ideal house   Version 28  Park or garden   Version 29  Sportsman   Version 30  Book or story   Version 31  Four seasons   Version 32  river and lake

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