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Improve Listening Skills Can be Easy and Fun!!



小編: 222

    * Multimedia Learning Resources--A multimedia approach to learning. Use current and past news stories from CNN San Francisco bureau. Each module includes the full text of each story and interactive activities to test both listening and reading comprehension. The learner can choose from story, abridged story or story outline  and then to read the text, listen to the text and view a short video clip of the story. Activities include Vocabulary, Word Selection, Multiple Choice, Sequencing and Conclusions. Click here for story of the week. Compatible with either RealPlayer (RealNetworks) or Media Player (Microsoft).

    * Randall's ESL Cyberlistening Lab-- Practice you listening comprehension has never been easier! There are 4 main sections at this site and each is divided according to the degree of difficulty: General Listening Quizzes, Listening for Academic or Specific Purposes, Long Conversations and Short Listening Exercises. Take the listening quizzes online or download the files to your PC. Compatible with either RealPlayer (RealNetworks) or Media Player (Microsoft).

Fun & Games--Polish your listening skills while playing games! Some require special software download. See software requirement and useful tools sections on this page for listing)

    * Listening Exercises-- Solve puzzles or hunt for missing treasures with sound clues, practice to listen for words that are often spoken very quickly and quietly in fast speech and test your ability to understand fluent spoken English with everyday telephone messages! Certain software requirements apply.
          o Telephone messages--Any software that would allow you to listen to wav files (RealPlayer, windows media player, etc)
          o Solve logic puzzles, Stirling treasure hunt and Penny Black treasure hunt--Divace Interactive Media Recorder/Player ( Click here to download a free 30-day evaluation version)
          o Solve Crossword puzzles(縱橫文字游戲)--Sound files mostly in wav format, except for one clue which requires Quicktime player. (use winamp, or other similar players for wav files). British Accent. (Created by John Higgins at University of Stirling)
          o Hidden word listening exercises(隱藏性文字聽力練習(xí))--Require Quicktime palyer for online listening. British Accent. (Created by John Higgins at University of Stirling) Click here to download a free quicktime player. Click here for an instruction of the exercises in Chinese.

    * Crossword Puzzles (縱橫文字游戲) with sound clues--Improve your vocabulary and listening skills the fun way with these talking puzzles! Source: EFL.NET. (program download required)

Online Listening Materials--Listen to English songs, poetry, or essays. Some materials are accompanied with full text that allow you to read while listening.

    * "Talktome"--A full-featured talking program that uses cartoon like characters to talk to you, read to you, remind you of events, read your E-Mail, web pages (only from IE browsers), send Animated Messages, schedule reminders, and more...Note: it can only read English materials. Free trial version is available for download: Windows 95/98 version or Windows NT version. For more information and technical support, goto Talktome website.

    * Poetry--From the Academy of American Poets. All poems are read by their authors, unless otherwise noted. Poems are in the RealAudio 3.0 or 5.0 format. (Click here to download RealPlayer)

    * From EFL.NET--An English learning site devoted exclusively to providing various ComAudio products for non-English speakers.
          o ComAudio Online--ComAudio Online uses Microsoft's Advanced Streaming Format (ASF) so you don't have to download any software or any items! If you are using Netscape or an older version of Internet Explorer, you may have to download an ASF plug-in. Listen and read essays, songs, or news at the same time. Definitions of more difficult words are given.
          o Archive--ComAudio collection of News, features, songs and poetry.

    * The New York Review of Books--This estimable chronicle has gone online with a weekly selection from its print offerings. Audio readingsby esteemed authors Robert Silvers, Jason Epstein, Susan Sontag, Jonathan Miller, Darryl Pinckney, Joan Didion, Alma Guillermoprieto, James Fenton, and Elizabeth Hardwick are also available.

Useful Tools--Special language learning/teaching tools that are designed to improve the listening skills of non-English speakers.

    * Virtual Language Learning--Divace Interactive Media Recorder/Player is a software specifically designed for language learners. It Takes a multimedia approach to learning English. Click here to download a free 30-day evaluation version of the software.

    * ComAudio--An easy way to increase your understanding of spoken English. With ComAudio, news items, features, poetry and songs are played while the corresponding text is displayed on your screen. If you're not sure what a word means, just click on it and a description will appear. After listening to the item, you can try a quiz or play hangman. Click here to download it for free! Note: only available to windows users (Source: EFL.NET)

    * ComKaraoke--A small program that plays ComAudio songs while highlighting the words that are sung! (Source: EFL.NET)

    * Hot Potatoes language software--Developed by University of Victoria CALL Laboratory Research and Development team, which enable you to create interactive Web-based exercises of six basic types. The exercises use JavaScript for interactivity, and will work in Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer versions 3 and above on both Windows and Macintosh platforms. Version 4 of Hot Potatoes is now able to produce Dynamic HTML exercises, including features like drag-and-drop, but these will only work with more recent browsers. The authoring tools will also handle accented characters, so you can create exercises in any language based on the Roman character set, including French, German, and many other languages. Click here for a tutorial. Download the current version of the software...

Software Requirement--A list of general audio/visual softwares needed to access the information presented on this page. These softwares are available for free download.

    * RealPlayer--Available at RealNetworks. Click here to download...
    * Windows Media Player--Available from Microsoft. Click here to download.
    * WinAmp--Supports MP3, CD and other audio formats. Click here to download...
    * QuickTime player--Available from Apple. Click here to download.Can be used on windows or Mac OS based computers. Handle video, sound, animation, graphics, text, music, and even 360-degree virtual reality (VR) scenes. A gateway for rich media including images, music, MIDI, MP3 and more...

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For comments on this page or other helpful website recommendations, please write to August@tigtag.comor post them at the English Corner Discussion Forum. We welcome your feedback!:)

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